באו בקשרי השידוכיםחדשות חמות
לאחר 482 ימים בשבי חמאס: החטופה אגם ברגר שבה לישראל
במסגרת העסקה: החטופים ארבל יהוד וגדי מוזס שבו לישראל
שחרור המחבלים יתעכב בעקבות הטקס האכזרי והמזעזע בעזה
הגלריה השבועית מבית חיינו לשבוע פרשת בא
ArrayArrayArrayArrayArrayבחירת העורךגאולה ומשיחמגזין
Great Going Guys! Thank you Shimon Waronker.
Today, for the first time, at (about) 10AM, I went to The Walter Weaver Public School' building. Mr. Waronker's classes/school occupies the same building (His school 'American Eagle Academy' is at 770 East NY Avenue, around the corner, with a separate entrance.). as PS 398 (60 East 94th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11212).
Upon entering I asked to speak to the principal.
"You must sign in." I was told.
After signing in, and showing my driver's license, I proceeded to the administrative office where three women were working, and
spent 20 minutes there giving them my 'shpiel:'
A staff member queried: "What do you want?"
Responding: "I want to demonstrate a profound knowledge and wisdom that can save lives and bring happiness, prosperity & brotherhood and sisterhood to this country."
"What's the first language in the world?" I asked?
Well, they loved the talk, and asked for one of my 'promotional sheets.' (My 'promotional sheet' has some websites and emails on top (www.Noahide.org) while the remainder is the 'Aleph-Beit' from our 'Arizal Siddur.'
"I've spoken to (about) 3,000 people," I said.
"Sir," one staff member said: "This is religion you are teaching, there is a separation of Chruch and state," she said.
I responded: "Sorry…this is language."
(Religion 'hidden' in language — 'Stealth Religion.')
So I continued, undisturbed, to talk until they got busy, and left on my own accord.
I need Lubavitcher/Chabad assistance…why can't we get this wisdom taught in all public schools?
'Todah raabah'
There is an empty diner on Rogers Ave. & Empire Boulevard…lets' create a 'Noahide Cafe.'
Anyone interested…we need a lot of $…this is Mr. Don Goodman's idea.